About the Webinar:

As we enter into spring, Charter Schools should not be focused only on the upcoming state assessments, but also starting the budgeting process for next year. Consider joining us for an informative webinar presented by Ms. Alina Chester, the Budget Director for Academica who will present tips and best practices for the budgeting process. The presentation will cover possible timelines for completing your budget so that you are not left trying to come up with something as the last minute, as well as ideas on how to ensure your budget process stays focused on the educational needs of your school and students. Tips for developing priorities and aligning the budget with those priorities will be discussed, as well as some possible benchmarks to watch for to ensure your budgets are reasonable and realistic.

The Budget Process and Best Practices

Ms. Alina Chester, the Budget Director for Academica
February 21, 2019 10:00 am EST

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