CSP Budget Development Tool

Finance & Budget |

The Charter Support Unit has been asked by the State of Florida’s Department of School Choice to provide assistance to CSP grant recipients with the development of grant budgets. In order to provide this assistance the CSU has developed a CSP Budget Development Tool which can help schools write the narrative budget descriptions which are necessary to submit to the state.

The CSP Budget Development Tool was created in Google Docs and is not something you can download and use, it is something you must use online. This allows us to push out updates quickly without you needing to download and transfer data to updated versions of the tool. If you would like to use the CSP Budget Development Tool, you must email Curtis Fuller at cfuller@flcsu.org asking to have a document created for your school. Please include the gmail address(es) you would like the document shared with as well.

Below are a series of videos walking through how to use the CSP Budget Development Tool as well as user documentation on how to use the tool effectively. If you should have any questions, please contact the CSU for assistance.

  • Video 1: General Overview. This video provides you with a general overview of the tool and what is included in the various sheets of the workbook.
  • Video 2: The Building Options Sheet. This video provides a description of how to use the Building Options sheet to create single budget line items, and to review all of the information from the Allowable Expenses document created by the office of School Choice. If you are unfamiliar with the budget process or what is and is not an allowed expense, we recommend you use this page to create your budget items.
  • Video 3: The Long Options Sheet. This video provides a description of how to use the Long Options sheet within the workbook, which provides a list of all possible pre-built budget items that can be added as a group to the budget based on the needs of your school. We recommend that only people who are familiar with the budget process and which types of expenses are generally allowable use this piece of the tool.
  • Video 4: Appendix Lists. This video demonstrates how you can create custom / appendix lists to attach to your budget for items which are small and within the same category, and how you can quickly add these totals to your budget. This video is recommended for all users.
  • Video 5: The Budget sheet. This video provides users with a description of how the budget sheet works, and how to remove items from your budget before copying and pasting it onto the appropriate DOE forms.
  • User Documentation

