Governing Board Membership is a rewarding way to share your knowledge, champion education, and give back to your community. Through these educational videos, we invite you to learn more about how you can Lead, Serve & Inspire as a Charter School Governing Board member.

Charter Schools and their Boards

What Is A Charter School

In our educational system, there is a place for all types of schools: traditional public, magnet, charter, private, and religious schools. Through this video you will learn what sets charter schools apart from other educational institutions.

The Role of the Board

A charter school’s governing board is a group that is collectively responsible for ensuring the school operates according to the school’s mission as well as its contract. In this video you will learn about the major responsibilities of board governance.

Governing Board Operations

Effective Board Meetings

What does effective board governance look like? There are many elements to an effectively run charter school governing board. In this video we dive into the elements of running effective board meetings.

Share the Load Through Committees

There’s so much to do and so little time! An effective board strategy is implementing governance committees. In this video you will gain knowledge on how this structure allows sound governing boards to effectively discuss, develop and implement board policy and oversight.

Financial Oversight

Operating a charter school is running a business! The financial oversight of the school is one of the Board’s greatest responsibilities. This session will provide strategies that are essential for effective financial oversight.

Becoming A Board Member

Board Member Skills

How do you know if you have the skills and experience needed to serve as a governing board member of a charter school? During this session, we will explore the various board skills that are needed to develop a diverse governing board.

Additional Training Opportunities

Once you have joined a charter school governing board you are now part of a dynamic team that will work to impact the lives of students and the community it serves. However, it doesn’t end there. Once on a board, there are many professional development opportunities available so you can continue to grow on your journey to Lead.Serve.Inspire.