We welcome the involvement of the entire community. If you would like to discuss how you might be able to contribute, please reach out to Curtis Fuller.

At this time, no. We are working to complete our application to be an approved sponsor and anticipate being able to accept charter applications by the end of 2024. When this option is available, the application process will be thoroughly explained on this website. To learn more about the process you can reach out to Christy Noe.

At this time, no. We are currently working on the process to develop the application process for transfering a charter to the Florida Charter Institute at Miami Dade College.  Once this is ready, it will be posted to our site, this will be an option for some schools. Under Florida Statute, existing charters cannot be considered for sponsorship by a college until its existing charter with the school district expires. Once our application for sponsorship is approved, we will post information and criteria for this process on this website.

FCI started its work at the end of February 2023. We are working to complete initial research. Once materials and information are available, they will be posted on this website.


We are open to ideas from the entire charter school community. The initial work of FCI has been established through the federal CSP grant, and we are not able to add additional research yet. However, we anticipate the Florida legislature providing future funding, and we will then begin examining additional research topics. If you have ideas on what these could be, please contact Curtis Fuller.

FCI intends to be both. We intend to be a clearinghouse and research center for studying and promoting the charter school movement, while at the same time serving as the authorizing arm of Miami Dade College. This helps us to have a realistic perspective of the entire charter process and to share out best practices from a research perspective.