FCI is comprised of a team of accomplished professionals, each member bringing a wealth of experience and expertise in education, particularly charter schools. Together, they are dedicated to shaping the future of education and empowering students.


Michael Bileca
MDC Board Chair

Pumariega, Madeline

Madeline Pumariega
MDC President

Laguna Borrego, Maryam

Maryam Laguna Borrego
MDC Chief of Staff

Susie Miller Carello

Susie Miller Carello
Executive Director

Curtis Fuller

Curtis Fuller
Chief Operating Officer

Christy Noe

Christy Noe
EDD Authorizing

Kathryn Perkins

Kathryn Perkins
EDD Teaching, Learning and Leadership

Capellan, Carlos - Square

Carlos Capellan
District Director of Leadership Operations 

Mentis, Christine

Christine Mentis
Governance Director

Powell, Paul.

Paul Powell
Teaching, Learning and Leadership

Tavarez, Angela

Angela Tavarez
Administrative Assistant

Vignale, Dana - Square

Dana Vignale
FCI Support Manager