Undertaking a facility development, acquisition, or construction project for your permanent school home is a BIG deal. This informative webinar will show you the 12 most common, fixable – but often devastating – mistakes charter school founders, board, and leaders make in their facility planning. Participants will leave with the practical, project-saving tools and insight to avoid these mistakes. This webinar will be presented by Ms. Melissa Provost the Manager of Business Development and Patrick Beausoleil the Vice President of Business Development for Highmark School Development.

12 Facility Planning Mistakes…. That You Won’t Make

Melissa Provost, Manager of Business Development from HIghmark School Development, Patrick Beausoleil, Vice President of Business Development from HIghmark School Development
February 8, 2018 10:00 am EST
View The Webinar:
Handouts / Slides:

Additional Attachments
  • 2018-02-08 - HM-Voodoo-Soft-Cost-Dictionary 2.pdf (PDF •111.9KB File Size)
  • 2018-02-08 - HM-Voodo-Questions-for-Schools-to-Ask-Banks-Builders-Others 2.pdf (PDF •81.0KB File Size)
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