About the Webinar:

Charter schools are constantly forced to deal with issues involving students that extend far beyond the classroom. Parents fighting over custody of the child, court orders that split time sharing of a student between parents, restraining orders limiting contact or communication between students/staff/parents; police investigations involving students/staff; DCF investigations involving accusations of child abuse/neglect; subpoenas and records request from outside agencies seeking documents of students or testimony of staff members; these are all extremely common and often troubling situations that schools find themselves forced to deal with. Understanding the basics of these areas of the law and how they can affect our campuses will provide school administration and staff with a solid foundation on how to address these issues as they arise.

From the Courtroom to the Classroom: Understanding the Intersection of Criminal and Family Law and Our Campuses

John P. Leombruno, Esq. Shareholder / Attorney The Arnold Law Firm
March 5, 2020 10:00 am EST

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