About the Webinar:

Sigsbee Charter School is a public charter school located on the Naval Air Station Key West (NASKW). Sigsbee is one of only a handful of charter schools in the United States located on and focused on servicing children of military families in grade k-8. The school is a model not only with regards to being a high performing charter school in the state of Florida, but is also frequently studied by federal officials for replication among other military bases throughout the country. Despite the highly transient population, the school has earned an A rating in every year it was assessed. It has been awarded two substantial grants from the Department of Defense Education Act and is currently working under a Dissemination Grant for Best Practices awarded by the Department of Education. In this presentation Principal Eli Jannes will talk about the unique traits that make Sigsbee so successful. She will focus on Place-Based Education, a tool used to increase engagement and achievement while taking advantage of one’s unique environmental and community partnerships.

Spotlight: Sigsbee Charter School / Place Based Education

Eli Jannes, Principal
June 16, 2016 12:00 am EDT

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