Does school leadership play a role in influencing classroom instruction, student learning and achievement? When school administrators and teacher leaders collaborate, can all students succeed? Research shows that effective leaders use teacher leadership to improve the school learning climate while they work directly on professional development and school program coherence. Using the 5Essentials framework, this webinar will explore how school leaders who prioritize establishing a clear, coherent vision and shared goals to coordinate the work of teachers and building a safe, supportive environment with high expectations for students set up teachers and students to be most successful. The presenters will also explore the role of trust, opportunities for professional development, and teacher collaboration in creating the buy-in necessary for organizational change through case studies of school leaders using 5Essentials System. This session will be presented by Elliot Ransom, Co-CEO and Collette Walton, Co-Director, the Partnerships & Growth, 5Essentials & Cultivate at UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago.

The Role of School Leadership in Influencing Student Outcomes

Elliot Ransom, Co-CEO and Collette Walton, Co-Director, the Partnerships & Growth, 5Essentials & Cultivate at UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago
September 20, 2018 10:00 am EDT
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Additional Attachments
  • 2018-09-20-UChicagoImpact 5Essentials-Learning Walk Sample Indicators.pdf (PDF •143.4KB File Size)
  • Links Shared during the Presentation